Fix overheating problem of your laptop!

When the laptop gets older approximately after 2-3 years after buying, it shuts down randomly. Most of the time it is due to overheating problem and once laptop starts shutting down; it won’t be fixed by you. In most of the cases it requires to disassemble to access blockages and heatsink.

There are many computer and laptop repair stores available in the market to make your job easy. But it is advisable that use below methods to keep your laptop cool as prevention is always better than further repair.


  • Use cooling pad. You can get it easily in the market.
  • Do not use soft surface to run your laptop as it blocks airflow and causes overheating.
  • Try to run your system in cooler area such as air-conditioned room to prevent from overheating.
  • Do check whether laptop fan is working fine or not. The performance of fan is reduced due to dust particles hence; periodic cleaning also make sense for better performance of laptop.


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