Laptop Screen Cleaning Tips

A laptop screen tends to accrue dust, fingerprints, and marks from various daily activities. Regular laptop screen cleanup helps to reduce strain on eyes while carrying out precious work activities. Various laptop or desktop screen cleaning products are available in the market but while choosing considers ammonia or alcohol-free cleaner as they responsible for screen degradation. Instead, one can go with less expensive cleaners like cotton balls, soft cloth or mop.



Cleaning steps:

  • Read the manual of a laptop or computer for any cleaning product limitations.
  • Turn off the device and keep the screen open in a wide angle. Extend a clean and heavy towel on the base to cover the keyboard.
  • Clean the laptop or desktop screen with a cotton cloth or swab to eradicate dust particles.
  • Prepare a solution for cleaning using 50% distilled water and 50% white vinegar in a spray bottle.
  • Spray a solution on soft cotton cloth or swab and wipe the screen in gentle circular direction.

Try to avoid few things:

  • Do not spray cleaner directly on the screen; it may possible to leak through the frame and damage inner electronic part.
  • Do not clean the screen with rough cloth or figures.
  • Do not press cotton swab on the screen otherwise, the solution may flow down into the frame of screen or keyboard.
  • Do not overuse, it is ideal to use once in a week only to keep the screen clean.

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